Well, we made it from California all the way back to Michigan successfully! Josh and I packed up all our remaining items on Friday the 8th, and said goodbye to the south bay as our home. That was also our last day at work so we rushed home to spotlessly cleanup the condo and get ready to hit the road.
It happened so quickly that it hardly felt real as I was walking out the door at work in San Jose for the last time. It quickly hit me in the face once I got home and no longer had my iPhone and iPad to compulsively check every five minutes and could no longer respond to corporate emails. It was both liberating and terrifying all at the same time. Still thinking about the work project I had just launched made me feel panicked and incomplete. But at the same time… I was done! And no longer had to check my work email! AMAZING! What a crazy mix of emotions. Lucky for me, my husband knows how technology dependent I have become, so he was sweet enough to let me use his iPhone until I could slowly start to wean myself off of using it compulsively.
We left the next day for Yosemite, and the adventure began! An 8 day drive back to Michigan made us a little crazy but we got to see some cool sites and family along the way. We then had a great week in Michigan before leaving for London.
Part 1: Days One – Two, South Bay to Yosemite
Part 2: Days Three – Eight, Yosemite to Michigan
Homeward bound road trip stats:
- Days traveling: 8
- Miles traveled: 3678
- Hours of driving: 61
- Time lost: 3 hours
- States driven through: 14
- Gas cost: $615
- Caffeinated beverages: 27
- Audiobooks: 1 (On the Road By: Jack Kerouac)
- Favorite meal: Waffle House
- Craziest part of trip: Seeing rain in Death Valley
- Most boring part of trip: Oklahoma and Texas (sorry but its just cows and fields!)
Until next time,
What an adventure! I look forward to you updates.
Judy Medendorp